Datastory Org

Interactive tools

Datastory Academy 🇸🇪


Interactive tools

Learn something new with our data-driven tools. Our data stories are updated automatically as new data becomes available.


The Datastory Glossary: Illustrated Concepts In Open Data And Data Journalism


The Election Tracker: Your Pocket Calendar To The World's Elections


Nobel Prize Timeline: Who Got The Prize And Why?


School Map: Compare Results For All Schools In Sweden


A hypothetical Riksdag: Parliament configuration by voter group


Poll Of Polls: How Swedes Would Vote Right Now


School Inequality: The Factors Determining School Results


A Happy Marriage? Create Your Own Government

Work with Datastory

What’s the story your data has been longing to tell?
We can help turn your data into impact.

Open data and research collaborations

Does your organization want to do good with data? Do you have an idea for a collaboration with Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Datastory Cloud

Datastory Cloud is the multi-tool for data visualisation and management. Access quality open data to augment your datasets and create professional data websites without code.

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